March 23, 2008
Dear Joe hacker,
We regret to inform you that your account has been blocked for 30 days. Our record shows that you have been using a third party program to level up your character. This is a clear violation of the player policies. Another offense of this nature will lead to a permanent account suspension. Should you have any other concerns do not hesitate to contact us.
Game Management
March 23, 2008
Dear Game Management,
Why did you block my account? I have done nothing wrong!!! How can you accuse me of such deed! Why are you doing this to me? I am a paying customer I demand that you release my account at once!!!!
Joe hacker
March 24, 2008
Dear Joe hacker,
We understand that your frustration however, we have sufficient evidence that shows that your account has been guilty of using a third party program. You will have to wait for 30 days before you can use your account. We have to follow the policy in order to maintain balance and integrity in the game. Should you have any other concerns do not hesitate to contact us.
Game Management
March 25, 2008
Dear Game Management,
Are you shitting me? Where is my account? Give my account back!!!!!!!!! I have spent soo much money for my characters. I dropped out of school because of this! I broke up with my girlfriend to dedicate my time in playing this game and you do this to me??? I have given up soo much for the game! How can you take my life away from me! Give me back my account!
Joe hacker
March 25, 2008
Dear Joe hacker,
We regret to inform you that we can no longer reverse the decision on your case. The decision is final and cannot be appealed. We will no longer entertain any concerns regarding this issue. We hope you understand that we need to enforce our game policy strictly, in light with our firm commitment to ensure the integrity of the game.
Game Management
March 26, 2008
Dear Game Management,
Fuck you! Fuck you all!!!! You suck!!! You can take my account and shove it up your ass!! I don’t need this shit!!!!
Joe hacker
March 26, 2008
Dear Joe hacker,
We regret to inform you that we can no longer reverse the decision on your case. The decision is final and cannot be appealed. We will no longer entertain any concerns regarding this issue. We hope you understand that we need to enforce our game policy strictly, in light with our firm commitment to ensure the integrity of the game.
Game Management
March 30, 2008
Dear Game Management,
It’s been days since you’ve blocked my account. I’m sorry.. What I did was wrong... all I wanted was to make my character stronger in the shortest possible time .have mercy on me.. I really really love this game. I promise not to do it again. Please release my account. I’m begging you! Give me back my account.. I won’t do it again.. I’ve learned my lesson. Please GM pleaseee…….!
Joe hacker
April 23, 2008
Dear Joe hacker,
We are pleased to inform you that you may now use your account. Please consider this as your last warning. If you incur any further violation we will be forced to suspend your account permanently. Please be guided accordingly. You can access a copy of the player policies at the website. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about it. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us again.
Game Management
April 23, 2008
Dear Game Management,
Thank you! Thank you for giving my account back! This game rocks! \m/
Joe hacker